Design, Installation & Maintenance Services for both Living Wall Gardens and Green Roof Systems.

Green Roof Installation Services

Green Roof Systems, also known as eco-roofs, green roofs or rooftop gardens, are found on top of buildings in urban areas. This is a great way for residential and commercial type buildings to utilize unattractive space to create a green friendly atmosphere that encourages social interaction as well as provide community nutrition.

Living Wall Gardens & Vertical Wall Gardens

Whereas Green Roof Systems are found on top of buildings, Living Wall Gardens are often seen on vertical structures in well developed areas such as commercial buildings, community development products, parks, etc. The most common vertical structures used for living wall gardens include walls, fences, columns and more.

Modular Green Roof Systems

There’s no cookie-cutter approach to irrigating green roofs. There are two main distinctions when it comes to care: extensive green roofs, which have 2 to 6 inches of soil and are generally comprised of native plants and sedums, and intensive roofs, which are 6 inches and deeper and are essentially conventional gardens that happen to be located on the roof of a building.
In extensive green roofs you have more coarse aggregates that have poor capillary qualities and do not conduct water effectively. Intensive roof soil is much more like traditional landscapes with a higher level of organics and it conducts water much better.